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Friday, April 16, 2010

The closer you are, the further you feel

:-) I knew this and i knew it so well. Sometimes it's better to be at a distance than try to step ahead.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wisdom is not by seeing how shallow others are, True wisdom is by seeing how shallow self is and knowing what self doesn't.

You are wise not by saying he's stupid but collect and learn what the stupid is capable of.

"WISE" is when one knows complicated things, "Shallow" is when they know small general things, True wisdom is when you try to know everything.

Learn without thinking begets ignorance. Think without learning is dangerous.

Arrogance portrays the shallow, True wisdom presents the humble.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Waiting, is part of the living process,
Learning, gathers what living means,
Preparing, allows the worst to fall upon the living,

Living is about Waiting for the result while Learning whats around, thus, Preparing for what's coming.

People tends to ask themselves always "Where's god?", "Can god help me?", "What's god doing when i'm suffering?" and "Will god forgive me for what i've done?". But not to be forgotten to ask yourself how did you come to stand wherever you are? If he had ever left you, you will not be where you are. He had never left you, he will never leave you. Everything that happened, it happened for a reason. Be happy it happened, and you will see beyond the dark clouds that the clear blue sky is waiting for you.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Cl053R t0 @N 3Nd, M3@n5 D@ cL053R To d@ N3W b3GiNnInG

Lately, lotsa people was tellin me that "We're comin to an end, what should I do? tell me pls, I don't want this to happen.". Well, being in the shoes of them i guess i would say that too as it is definitely hard in the beginning. However, after staying apart from "Those" trouble, i shall see it clearly as it is uneccessary to hide urself in one corner, torturing your own mentality for "Them" who doesnt worth your time and suffer. An end doesn't actually mean an end to us as we should always feel "we good to live(活着就好)", we shall see the new beginning beyond the 3nD. A Cl3@r BlU3 Sky shall appear after the Storm. Climb across the mountain, you shall see your piece of paradise.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

As the fallen dried leaf, the time passes. It will only touch the ground, never return to it's branch.

It's another year again, another new beginning or the nearer to ending. The fallen leaf brings upon beauty when dawn comes. See how it falls in beauty, see how it lays on the ground in beauty. Just as how we should see our live. See how we came to the world in such beauty and how we leave in beauty as the fallen leave will only continue falling till it reaches the ground and never return to it's branch. See our live in such beauty as we only live once. Not one moment stops for any reason. Happy Chinese New Year 2010! :-)