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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Watched a movie

Watched a movie tonight. It showed how a perfect man being a burden to a very ordinary gal. How could this be when the girls are always dreaming for a perfect man and when he came to them, it became a pressure? Really wondering. The man in the movie married for 3 times before he caught with this girl and he failed the 4th time. The ending was maybe a little irreasonable but forget abt the ending, the movie was nice. what a night... Gdnight.


Cindy said...

k3ntyun9, agreed with ur views after watching the movie tru the way u described it. tho i dont know what movie is that. well every girl dream of being and having a perfect man with them, but when reality kicks in, when they themselves find that they are not a perfect girl, a perfect man became an illusion. when they found one they will start to think that they dont deserve him. =) well at least u enjoyed the movie despite the ending. have a good day.